Kremastos | Teen Ink


March 17, 2016
By cstich SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
cstich SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ornate vines climb stone pillars that reach for the Gods.

Waterfalls trill over each terrace, weaving through the bed of greens,
as statues keep a watchful eye...overlooking the garden.

The statues stand still, but their eyes tell a different story...
guiding  wanderers into the recreated homeland for the homesick Queen,
so that she embrace tranquility, in her everlasting garden.

A captivating fortress of brick walls encompass the diverse life inside.
Giving trees emerge with sturdy arms that reach out, providing shade for the wanderers,
so they, like the Queen, find peace in the flourishing garden.

Mother Nature herself welcomes the Babylonians,
by her earthy scents and misty dew.
Pencilis; Kremastos.
The Hanging Garden.  

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