Falling Soldiers-The Grand Colosseum | Teen Ink

Falling Soldiers-The Grand Colosseum

March 17, 2016
By Victor7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Victor7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chain mail rattling, helmets shaking, wind whistling.
Fear grows with limitless boundaries on the battlefield.
Horses trotting, and the bellows of hundreds of soldiers rage over an amplified arena,
hearts of soldiers create a steady drum with every thud against their chests.
Soldiers fall.

Shields and swords begin clashing, arrows whispering, and men screaming.
The battle cripples the soldiers, soldiers fall with a thud,
the battlefield in the arena…. cluttered with bodies and blood riddles the ground.
Walls stained red.
Soldiers fall.

Silence covers the battlefield and arena with an eerie presence,
wind whistles once more,
the once sandy floor, riddled with blood.
The sun sets on hundreds of fallen soldiers.
Soldiers have fallen.

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