Zeus, God of all gods | Teen Ink

Zeus, God of all gods

March 17, 2016
By NMueller890 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
NMueller890 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Zeus, standing heroically over Greece.

King of the land he calls home.
Zeus did what he never thought he would do,
took his father's life to become king.
Zeus, God of all gods.

Cronus similar to Zeus in ways unlike others
Zeus versus Cronus for true power.
Zeus, fed up, tolerated enough of Cronus.
He and his brothers gathered with a plan.
Zeus, God of all gods.

Zeus, Hades, Poseidon plotting
like a game of Battleship…
Almost as if they were Generals in the army.
Finally they had a plan, ready to take in action
Zeus, God of all gods.

Zeus, the mighty cupbearer with an elixir for Cronus,
Approaches him, Cronus daringly gulps it down.
Choking, clenching onto the last bit of air…
Cronus falls, sunshine emerges from the ebony sky…
Zeus, truly God of all gods.

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