300-1 | Teen Ink


March 17, 2016
By AHSUWO1620 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
AHSUWO1620 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trained, abused as young, Spartans
fear nothing, never surrender.
today, their reputation approaches.
Xerxes’ Persians seek to slaughter them,
300 Spartans

Forming, preparing for a Persian attack, the Spartans
shield in front, spear ready, swords tucked in the hip.
Persians close in on the outnumbered Spartans,
The Battle of Thermopylae begins.
300 Spartans

Attacking, attempting to penetrate defense of the Spartans,
Spartans shields cover and stab with their spears.
Stabbing lifeless Persians to confirm death,
the Persians retreat to regroup.
300 Spartans

Exhausted, determined, the Spartans,
the Persians suddenly halt, confusing the Spartans.
The Persians draw their bows and point vertical.
Spartans cover under their shields, tightly packed,
299 Spartans

Weakening, deteriorated, the Spartans,
the Persians march to take advantage.
Close combat resumes, but different from before.
One after another, more lifeless Spartan bodies.
1 Spartan

Exhausted, drained, the Spartans,
“This is Persia now,” Xerxes says.
“No,” the lone Spartan opposes, “This is Sparta.”
The arrows shower him like rain.
300 Spartans

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