Helios’s shadow | Teen Ink

Helios’s shadow

March 17, 2016
By John_Conner SILVER, Heartland, Wisconsin
John_Conner SILVER, Heartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun brings shadows and it rises in the east.
His shadow falls to the bay of the west,
the bay in which his body is made,
made from sword, and axe that one's brot despair,
now stand tall as a colossus of light.

The sun rises, above the statue the sun sits.
His shadow now below him,
with the people who came from far and wide,
who her the tails and and sat in awe,
and whiteness the glory of the colossus of light.

In the west the sun falls.
To the east, the city weeps,
as he seemed a little displeased,
with the force of a god the colossus wavered,
and the colossus fell with the fading sunlight.

The author's comments:

poem about the colossus

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