The five rebirthed | Teen Ink

The five rebirthed

March 17, 2016
By Dillon12526 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Dillon12526 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fearful of destiny and prophecy…
He swallows his first five children.
Determined not to be overthrown,
Cronus eliminates the threats he created.
Satisfied, betrayal didn’t crossing his mind…
Closer to victory.

She begs her mother begs for help...
Gaia contemplates, unsure to help.
Finally Gaia agrees, thinking of a plan,
Giving Rhea a baby sized rock in place.
Cronus falls for the trick, he is safe…
Closer to victory.

Sheltered life, bound to a cave…
Old enough to fight, confrontation begins.
Given a potion from Metis, a drink made,
Consumed by Cronus, awaiting reactions.
Uneasy, twisting, wrenching pains…
Closer to victory.

Results appear, the five are free…
Confrontation arrives prophecy fulfilled.
In shock and uncertainty he admits defeat,
Olympians successful, Titans defeat.
No longer a threat, peace for now…
Victory is here.

Banishment to the Titans, eternity awaits…
To a pit on the edge of creation.
Titan wrath is over, duties await for olympians,
Each of the five have new lives to live.
Sectors for each responsibilities to fill…

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