Khufu--Construction for Death | Teen Ink

Khufu--Construction for Death

March 18, 2016
By 7engelking GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7engelking GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

100,000 worshipping.
Mighty Khufu guaranteed faith.
Authorization, and construction began.
Battle: dredging blocks emphasized the effort.
Determination: building a death set made for a king.
Pulling limestone miles, sweat drizzled onto blazing sand,
hands intact of calluses and blood, flaming sun beating onto skin.
No signs of quitting, no signs of holding back, no signs of uncertainty.
Worth it in the end. Worth living. Worth the mighty god, the mighty Khufu.
Looking up, the great structure loomed. Casting shadows drastically overhead.
Eyes fixed on the gigantic tomb. A tomb made for a king. Admiration: 100,000 worshipping.

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