The First of Seven, Now Stands Alone: The Journey of the Great Pyramid | Teen Ink

The First of Seven, Now Stands Alone: The Journey of the Great Pyramid

March 18, 2016
By ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time brought me life,
forged by the aspiration of one.
An ancient world built around me,
yet my world vanished.
I am abandoned…

Time produced six more wonders,
all akin in glory.
Destroying limitations, grasping heights, paving elegance.
We reign throughout the land.
One has become seven…

Time consumed the wonders of the world.
The ground shook, fires grew, an army rampaged.
The six remain rubble.
Nothing left but a memory.
Seven has become one...

Time passes.
No creations, no wonders, no seven.
A new world built around me,
A world I’m not destined to live in.
I am alone…

Time never stops.
People dream of recreation, but create imitations.
I age with heartache.
Time has made me the keeper of their stories,
for I will eternally be abandoned…

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