Papyrus and Hor-Aha’s Nubia Campaign | Teen Ink

Papyrus and Hor-Aha’s Nubia Campaign

March 18, 2016
By LindsayLouOO2 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
LindsayLouOO2 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I picked
from the Cyperus Papyrus plant
in 3100 B.C.
I peeled
away the outer fibers.
The core -- unavailing and unusable.

I plucked
the fibers into thin strips.
They soaked in water.
I pounded
with stone and
let its water evaporate.

I placed
the strips in a woven pattern.
Soft and spongy.

I positioned
the papyrus under a stone,
it laid flat.

I pierced
the papyrus together with the sugar
that came from the plant.

I polished
it into a smooth finish
by rubbing it.

I printed
and used it like paper,
in 3100 B.C.

I paused
and I waited for my message to be known.
We won the war.

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