Pyramids - Stretching For Supremacy | Teen Ink

Pyramids - Stretching For Supremacy

March 18, 2016
By 6wiskow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6wiskow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Not of only mankind,
but the vast universe. Perched
on golden sands spanning across Egypt.
Builders toiled and clawed, sun charring their skin.
Straight? Spiral? Whichever ramp assisted them we don’t know,
however it flawlessly ascended them to complete Earth’s star of the show.
Now an ancient race lay asleep under the rubble and soot, their clocks of life halted.
Take a look around. 4500 years later, figures of immortality stand above the modern world.
700 miles per hour. A speed incomprehensible at the conception of the Great Pyramids.
Flights in and out of Egypt, bucket hats and horrible outfits surround majesty.
Tourists and locals gawk in awe at prodigious creations of pure intellect.
Now jump back to the year 2500 BC. Imagine the intentions of
the creators. They created images in the likeness of gods.
The sole tallest structures on Earth for 3800 years.
Stretching to heights of 455 feet. What a feat
to accomplish. 2016 and still upright.
Through storm and battle,
forever reigning

The author's comments:

Pyramid Stucture. Movement not formatted

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