Black Like Me | Teen Ink

Black Like Me

April 11, 2016
By Kjackson BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Kjackson BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Black like me?


I see white every where

White walls

White people


I feel intimidated 

That White is the dominant race

I feel upset 

They captured us

From the depth of despair


This is going to go on forever

I fear for African Americans

We can't walk outside

Without being judged and feared


But yet we have a black president?


Segregation is over

But it feels like we're still living in it


"I have a dream"

Does his dream matter?

I'm not angry at all

Just disgusted with ya'll


Still there goes the tension

between Blacks and Whites

Why can't get along


It's funny how America says "justice for all"

But when a cop shoots at a Black man

we don't have justice at all.


I'm scared to ristk my life

every time I walk in the streets


We all have rights. The same rights.

We deserve better way by far

Our ancestors fought for these rights 

So why have we given up this fight? 


We're tired of being judged as a disgrace

to the human race

less pay

more to say


1960 seems like just a time and year

2016 we still are mistreated to this day.

It'll never go away

The White and Black ways.


We have give them a harder fight

Have faith and hope

That One day we will all come together

Blacks, Whites, As one.

As all. 

The author's comments:

I completed this piece for an English class assignment on Spoken Word. My teacher told me to write something I am passionate about and being a young black female I felt that I wanted to share what I knew on the topic and try to get people to help themselves. We lean towards fighting when we really need peace and I think it's important. I want to share my poem with every one and to understand violence isn't the answer. We need to all come together, as one. 

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