That land far away | Teen Ink

That land far away

April 10, 2016
By luke1 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
luke1 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That land far far away
How i wish i could stay
But as the clock draws near
My mind returns here 
Leaving that land far away

That land far far away
How sad it is i couldn't stay
As the years go by
I say good bye
To that land far far away

Gone now that land far away
It’s memory has lost its way  
But as the clock draws near
And my mind goes clear
I will finally stay
In that land far far away.

Happy in that land far away
How good it is to stay
With no regret no sadness
No reaping madness
I stay in that land far far away

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