One Sentence Poems | Teen Ink

One Sentence Poems

April 20, 2016
By PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An eagle soared in the summer skies, teeming with lust for the inevitable hunt that would soon ensue; the eagle spotted an unwary mouse scuttling about, it was time to strike.


The dog swooshed by, cutting the unkempt grass with his stride, rushing past the curious bystanders or persistent pursuers, he knew his punishment for eating the family turkey roast would not go unnoticed.


A boy zoomed across the neighborhood on his brand new bike; tearing the streets with skid marks and abrasions, he desired speed and never slowed to a halt.

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