Vignette | Teen Ink


April 20, 2016
By Rohades18 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Rohades18 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eyes of blue pools and strength.  Strength and blue pools describe my name, Noah.  I have eyes like a pool, or like the clear ocean.  I have eyes that can be dove right into.  Although my pupils are a black hole to my soul for the majority of the time, what people see of my eyes are bright blue.  I have been told they glow like cats eyes.  My eyes are also a mix of my mom and dad’s eyes.  I can honestly say I got the best of both worlds.  I have the big blue eyes and they are very active. 
My mother may have the darker eyes between her and my father but needless to say they are blue as they can be!  She claims that her eyes are more sensitive to light because they are blue.  Eyes being more sensitive to light because of color? Not sure how legitimate that is.  My father on the other hand has light, baby blue eyes that you can see from across the room and know immediately that it is him. 
My sisters have blue eyes as well.  One with mom’s eyes and the other with dad’s eyes.  Natalie has the small sentimental eyes and Charlotte has the big blue eyes that win your heart.  They both are very different and have very different eyes aside from the one thing that all five of us have in common, our eyes.  All five of us have one thing in common, our eyes.

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