Blue eyes and blue sky's | Teen Ink

Blue eyes and blue sky's

April 20, 2016
By Jpeschong GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jpeschong GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eyes as blue as Oceans, everyone in my family a different body of water. My mother a dark blue like the Pacific, like the American flag,the color of the chief  my father the opposite, a light blue like the Atlantic, an endless sight you get lost in, a sight, that's strong and sturdy . The eyes of my brothers are like the sky, a vast blue varying upon the day, clouded by the covering, of cool sunglasses. My eyes the color of a freshly picked blueberry, sweat, but unexpectedly sour at times. My sister, eyes of a prince's, independent, and courageous, the color of freshly blossomed tulips in the morning sun. The oddball in the family, my youngest sister, her eyes a light grey, the grey you get from mixing too many water colors together. Our eyes, the doors to our hearts, like the Oceans a vast sea of mysteries.   

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