Desire of Winning | Teen Ink

Desire of Winning

April 20, 2016
By thekid24 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
thekid24 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My teammates have this drive to win that can’t be matched. Johnny doesn’t lead much vocally, but he leads by example that will brush off on everyone else and shoot us to the top. Nate, though quiet, shows through his quiet confidence. We step onto the dirt… and it is all business.
But Ryan and myself… You cannot compare to the bulldog mentality that is within ourselves. As the dirt and grass stains our pants… we say thank you because it is only a part of the process. Our vocals, our performance, our quiet confidence and our focus on kaizen is what will shoot us to the top. As I stand in front of my teammates and say “your desire to win has to be greater than your fear to lose,” it is this mentality that will shoot us to the top.

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