Colors | Teen Ink


April 21, 2016
By hheathrr SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
hheathrr SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Colors can say what humans can’t. Green, brown, black, blue, hazel, gray. Each human being is trade marked with the beauty of one color. I am trademarked with irises as emerald as luscious grass after a hard summer’s rain. Specks of gray, intertwined with the resemblance of the jade acrylic paint I used on my painting of a healthy summer’s woods. Independent, creative, spontaneous, I am.
Yet a boy I love, stamped with the heavenliness of hazel. The hazelnut hue, mirroring the warmth of his personality. A hickory brown lining his vast eyes, reflecting the tobacco of his American Spirit. The pinpricks of jet black, a mirror image of the cup of strong, dark coffee in his left hand. Alluring, confident, mysterious, he is.
Aspirations and dreams of us sitting on the front porch, early, sharing small conversation and cigarettes, watching mother nature paint the sky with colors of a new day, colors of her own. Pink, purple, orange, red, blue, yellow. Hopeful, optimistic, promising, the world is. 

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