Small Seas of Blue | Teen Ink

Small Seas of Blue

April 21, 2016
By andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A sea of the brightest blue, although in small amounts. So piercing. So strong. So blue. Eyes so blue they tell you what we want with just one stare. My father, my mother, my brother and me. My grandma, my grandpa, my cousins and me. My aunts, my uncles, even my dog, and me. So piercing. So strong. So blue. Eyes so blue they tell you what we want with just one stare.

How my grandpa got my grandma. My father got my mother. My dog gets too many treats. And exactly how my brother became my best friend. With just one stare, they tell you what we want. Eyes that are individuality in a sea of the similarities. Eyes that are independence in a sea of reliance. Eyes that are importance in a sea of insignificance. Small seas of the brightest blue we have; small seas in our big Eckl heads. Small seas of the brightest blue we have; small seas that join our waters.

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