Family Cars | Teen Ink

Family Cars

April 21, 2016
By Vinnie_M GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Vinnie_M GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mom’s car is a black SUV, always an open seat for anyone who needs it. It’s not very fast, and not very sporty, it’s not cool like a sports car, but it is always reliable, and there when you need it. My dad’s car is a timeless Cadillac, with charcoal paint, and a comfortable, smooth leather interior. It isn’t really fast, or sporty, but the trunk is always as big as the golf bags you’re bringing.

    My car is in the middle, not really big, not a timeless look, it has magnetic grey paint, and it’s just right for me. The inside is like a soft leather couch,  and just the right size, with a nice screen with technology tools when you need them. The outside is nothing special, not cool and not colorful, but just right for me.
    Each has a purpose, one for every situation, always one to go to whenever you need it.

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