I Wish to Know What I Want | Teen Ink

I Wish to Know What I Want

May 4, 2016
By Sarrah2002 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Sarrah2002 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wish I was younger

I wish I was older

I wish I was more educated on what's happening today

I wish I knew  nothing about the horror we live in

I wish I was the perfect age

I wish every age was the perfect age

I wish time would stand still

I wish time would run fast, like a cat being chased by a dog

I wish to be adventurous, dangerous, rebellious, exciting

I wish to be safe, calm, settled, loved

I wish I was no one, just a passing wind

I wish I was everyone

I wish for death, to see what comes after

I wish to live forever, and just stay in this life

I wish to know everything

I wish to know nothing

I wish to know what I want.

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