You were you | Teen Ink

You were you

May 5, 2016
By matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are the strongest creatures, yet we are damaged beyond repair."

All I do is think of you
And all I want is to be with you.

All I do is make sketches of you because its as close as I get to you

I get sad at the thought of losing you
And sometimes I don't know what to do
But I know I'll make it through thanks to you.

I hope you know that I'll never doubt you
Although sometimes it's hard not to do.

But I never do because I love you
And I want you

And I trust you

And because YOU. ARE. YOU

The author's comments:

He inspired me.

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