Almost There | Teen Ink

Almost There

May 6, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Looking few meters ahead,

I see I am almost there.

Watch out,

for some lambs.

They are all my friends.
Never torture them.

Looking few meters ahead,

I see I am almost there.

I am too busy with my mind everywhere, but I manage to go

Will I fall?

Will I fall?
Will wind carry me down there

But no worries.
I am not on my tiptoe.
I am just looking around.

I am stable.

I am almost there.
Hundreds of steps and I will be there.

I can see the mazes of trees.
I am closer to the clouds.
My voice is powerful, echoing everywhere.
Crystal rain reaches me first, and diamonds of sunshine come right down on me.

Cool breeze will gently embrace me on the top.
I am almost there.

But there are no more lambs.
They are not almost there.

I look back, but they are not there.

I am here alone, by myself.

I am almost there.
Hundreds of steps and I will be there.
I can see the mazes of trees.
I am closer to the clouds.
My voice is powerful, echoing everywhere.
Crystal rain reaches me first, and diamonds of sunshine come right down on me.

Cool breeze will gently embrace me on the top.
I am almost there.

But there are no more lambs.
are not almost there.

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