Mosquitoes | Teen Ink


May 17, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I hate the way you sound.

Do you want me to kill you?
What’s the point of making this noise.
Do you want to reveal where you are?
Do you need some attention?

Well, thanks for the noise. 
My life seems a little less creepy when I caught

But, it collapses a little when I realised that I caught
One of you.

How many of you are left?

Do you want my blood?
Is it that bloody and yummy?
Do you want me to not notice you?
Or do you need me?

I swing my arms to let you go off.
You are sophisticated.
You bite me but I
Never notice your gentle, smooth, and
Lovely movement.

My life seems a little less creepy when you disappear from me.

But, it collapses a little when I realised that you are still

I am sick of you, so I stopped caring.
I am a busy person anyways.
So, when you came to sit on my arm gently,
I just swing it couple of times.
And let you do whatever you want.

Some blood that we share.
I feel like we have a

But now, enough taking from me.

This ain’t symbiotic.
It’s a give and give relationship.
Now, please go away from me.
Or else, I will slap you so bad.

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