I am a Poet | Teen Ink

I am a Poet

May 22, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am a poet.
I am an observer.
I am mesmerised by mother nature.
I am a poet.
I am a writer.
I am inspired by love and despair.

I am a poet.
My love is poetic.
I am a poet.
My life is lyrical.
I am a poet.
My days are metaphorical.

I am a poet.
I carry a pencil with wings.
I am a poet.
I write and doodle all day.
I write until noodle gets cold.
I am a poet.
I live in a poem.

I am a poet.
When I am bored, I try to write poems.
I am a poet.
Even though I run out of ideas, I don't stop to write poems.
I am a poet.
This poem is a desperate example of myself trying to write a poem.
But I am a poet.
Because, I managed to tell you the story in a

I am a poet.
I live in a poem.
Because, I managed to tell you my story in a

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