Sacred Youth | Teen Ink

Sacred Youth

May 22, 2016
By artist_unspoken BRONZE, Lake Forest, Illinois
artist_unspoken BRONZE, Lake Forest, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody." -Maya Angelou

We are taking turns in destroying ourselves,
And we use the wreckage to try and rebuild stories that
No one even believes in anymore.
[we're stupid like that]

One thing that gods and high schoolers have
In common is that they are so afraid of being
Forgotten that they think that the only way to be remembered
Is if they scar someone in the process;
And when they are confronted on their wrongs they 
Tend to cite divine judgment as a cause
As if it is fair to demolish someone's existence
Just to put your name back into people's mouths.
I thought words never meant much to gods, anyways?
[but words mean all too much to teenagers]

And Gods and teenagers can never go back
Because if they dwell on the past too long it hurts just 
A little too much to look at yourself in the mirror afterwards.
The Gods always forget about each other because they become
Too concerned with human affairs,
And teenagers forget about themselves because they try to find 
Who they are in the hearts of people who never cared in the first place.
Gods and Teenagers don’t like to have conversations with themselves.
[privacy is not something Gods and Teenagers are good at]

Gods and High Schoolers both don’t know how to love very well.
They are too selfish to see that there is an entire world
Outside of their suffering,
And loneliness is not a drug that only they are taking
And both say that they can stop anytime that they want
But the last time they said that they woke up in a constellation
and they did not complain because anything was better than living;
But they can stop anytime they want.
[Gods and High Schoolers are both really good at lying]

When Gods and Teenagers were young they probably liked the same things.
They both chased glory in makeshift battles and pointless competition,
Looking for validation in parents and the world around them;
And throwing temper tantrums when they didn’t get it.
Gods recycled lives to let out their frustrations and who's to say that
Teenagers don’t do the same:
In the same way that Zeus could never find it in his heart to be good to Hera,
Teenagers cannot find it in their hearts to be good to themselves or each other...
But it's fine,
Because we're just kids I guess.
[Gods and Teenagers are alike even though one is supposed to have created the universe and the other can barely tolerate living in it]

Gods and High Schoolers are a dying breed.
Both feed off of suffering and thrive on disdain,
Trying to sustain themselves on the temporary;
Gods and High Schoolers are anything but ordinary,
Both trying to survive in a world that is determined to destroy
Every trace of their existence,
Gods and High Schoolers are just trying to retain the will
To get out of bed every morning and slap a smile on their face,
Gods and High Schoolers are just trying not to let themselves slip down
Drains of false mythology 
Because both have been constantly misinterpreted throughout history
And both are tired of giving all of themselves 
Only to receive nothing in return.
[Gods and High Schoolers never get enough sleep]

Gods and Teenagers wouldn't mind if they had to watch the world burn.
But no one knows that, do they?
They think that we lead lives of excess and extravagance,
But honestly we are just beings chemically imbalanced
Struggling to live borderline lives that have been assigned to us,
But we're the lucky ones right?
[one thing that Gods and Teenagers have in common is that they have let themselves die]

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