I try, I try, And Fail | Teen Ink

I try, I try, And Fail

May 19, 2016
By NitroPlayz BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
NitroPlayz BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I try, I try, and fail,
Tho, try not to bail,
I give all my might,
And I still lose the fight,
I try, I try, and fail

I try, I try, and fail,
The result, running into a rail,
Even though I have fallen,
I get right back up and keep ballin’,
I try, I try, and fail

I try, I try, and fail,
I end up in jail,
I fall fast asleep,
Listening to the beat,
I try, I try and fail

I try, I try, and fail,
Out of the open I see blackmail,
But at the slightest chance,
I fail less,
I try, I try, and fail

I try, I try, and fail,
Strike, I stab with a nail,
At the slightest chance I succeed,
But, sooner I bleed,
I try, I try, and fail

I try, I try, and fail,
I try to hide with a veil,
The heart I try buy,
The harder I cry,
I try, I try, and fail

I try, I try, and fail,
By paying attention to detail,
I stare into the light,
Hoping for night,
I try, I try and fail

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