I Am a Child | Teen Ink

I Am a Child

May 27, 2016
By andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a child,
but not childish.

Children are honest,
honest they are...
sometimes brutal, are they.

A child says, “Mommy, your hair looks funny.”
I say, “Yes, your mascara is a little runny.”

I am a child,
but not childish.

Children are particular,
particular they are…
particular ways, particular craze, particular always.

A child only likes hot-dogs with ketchup on the side.
I only like a color-coded clothing rack --  with shoes implied.

I am a child,
but not childish.

Children are driven,
driven they are…
In the sand box they’ll play, driven are they.

A child frolics with Barbies until every one looks beautifully anew.
I frolic with scholarships until every one is mine, and the future is in view.

I am a child,
but not childish.

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