A true man on my return | Teen Ink

A true man on my return

May 26, 2016
By JakCross SILVER, Cedar Hills, Utah
JakCross SILVER, Cedar Hills, Utah
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing is true and everything is permitted.

A true man on My return
A true man, though this time I leave
I know raising me wasn’t a breeze
I’m so grateful you love me
And gave me keys
To my future

A true man, I know it’s rough
To let your kids out of the house
Knowing they’ll be getting their own one day
You paid for so much just to keep me happy
Learning to be a parent
That’s something one puts effort into
And though I’m splitting two
Just remember
I’ll always love you
Just as a son should
I hope that one day I can make you stand in pride
And not hang your head in shame

A true man, I don’t blame anyone for my problems only me
You have this little boy how to be a man
And how to treat another being
And how to treat his loved ones
I’ll call just to say hay
Or maybe if you mind if the kids visit
One day I’ll come back
A true man
And maybe even a father
With a family ill rise just as you did
With love and whole lot of work
But no matter what
I’ll still be your little boy

The author's comments:

I am currently leaving for college and I wanted to dedicate somthing to my parents, just somthing to say "thank you".

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