Two Wondrous Souls | Teen Ink

Two Wondrous Souls

May 26, 2016
By sydpenny98 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
sydpenny98 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the ones who lead me. I am the only one who leads them. Two wondrous souls with bold minds and adventurous plans like mine. Two who do not hesitate but are stuck. Two unsatisfied lives given by society. From city to city, we can see them, but the town just cages them and doesn’t release these hearts.
Their strength is each other. They shoot glorious beams from their eyes toward the sky. They run near and they run far and they embrace the wind tangled within their hair and carry the sun on their darkened backs and never quit their search. This is how they breathe.
Let one forget her reason for leaving, they’d remain as still as the town that shelters them, each with hearts dimming inside. Breathe, breathe, breathe, they say when they are down. They exhale.
When she is too lonely and too wondrous to inhale and exhale, when she is a single drop in a raging storm, then it is she looks within. When all that’s left is the beat. Two who wondered will meet. Two who love and do not forget to love. Two whose only reason is to live and live.

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