I am the First Blossom of Spring | Teen Ink

I am the First Blossom of Spring

May 27, 2016
By ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the first born child, it is your duty to be the leader.
It is your job to take the first stab at the world.
It’s  scary, and kind of cold.
But toughen up for the little ones behind you.
Here you go. It’s your time.
You embrace life.
As happy as can be.
For life isn’t so bad you see.
Take your brightly colored petals.
Stretch them across the world.
Stand tall so those around, can grow like you.
You can smile now.
Knowing you helped them grow.
It was your duty to be their leader.
But your job isn’t done.
As long as you grow, they will grow too.
Color the world with your happiness.
And they will see it too.
You will forever be the first.
So smile.
Be happy.
Be glad it’s you.

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