I Am a Dog | Teen Ink

I Am a Dog

May 27, 2016
By oliviabohnsack SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
oliviabohnsack SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I anxiously wait by the window overlooking the leaf covered driveway.
I rest my head on the sill, anticipating your arrival.
When you enter, I bring you a gift...
a slipper I chewed holes in, just for you.

I grab your backpack and drag it to the front door.
I beckon for you to explore with me.
When you come, I bring you a gift...
my leash, worn yet sturdy, just for you.

I listen as you tell me stories about your day.
I bark in delight as you run through the woods with me.
When you rest, I bring you a gift...
a friendship to last a lifetime, just for you.

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