I am a Painbrush | Teen Ink

I am a Painbrush

May 26, 2016
By PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a paintbrush, brushing against a blank canvas.
I am a paintbrush, with no destination for my stroke.

I am a paintbrush, expressing my color varieties --
I am a paintbrush with red, green, blue, orange, yellow, or purple streams.

I am a paintbrush, an elegant weapon of the artist.
I am a paintbrush painting creativity, not a sword slashing blood.

I am a paintbrush, conveying multiple sizes --
I am a paintbrush with large, medium, or small hair bristles.

I am a paintbrush, using the world as my canvas.
I am a paintbrush, illustrating a story to my audience.

I am a paintbrush, a stroke with no destination --
But I am a paintbrush, a stroke with an absolute purpose...

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