Alpha | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By sydpenny98 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
sydpenny98 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He lines up the troops, roaring orders and commands
It’s war, to him it’s always war
All attention is on him, they know the drill
One false move and lights out

He stands tall and broad, he never stutters his speech
The little ones cower and gaze in awe of their leader
The battle plans are revealed,
Alpha-Tango-Tango-Alpha-Kilo, Foxtrot-Oscar-Oscar-Delta

Fight, Protect and serve

Formation… Departure


He scans his soldiers from afar
He can’t get involved, not yet, he’s the leader
The fight is survival
The target is freedom

The soldiers return home victorious
Under his command, no one expects less
He stands in approval
His home, soldiers and pride is safe

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