Love Poem | Teen Ink

Love Poem

May 26, 2016
By puckislife123 GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
puckislife123 GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Out of nowhere, there she was...
walking toward him, as if she was floating down a runway.
Splotched with bright colors like sunlight bouncing off a lake.
Porcelain skin. Thick brown hair hanging loose. Sass.
Out of nowhere, there he was...
just across the street in the afternoon light.
You instantly want to hang out with him, he makes you feel great.
Charming. Sharp. Laser-cut.
They quickly fell in love. A warm working relationship.
She’s easy in her sneakers. Pretty in anything from her flowy dresses to her track pants.
He’s cute in his jeans and his untucked button-down shirt.
They take endless loops around the city on his scooter,
they take romantic walks, she has a lovely shadow.
She loves to escape,
to Paris, Disney, London, anywhere her heart desires.
At their small farmhouse by the sea,
they flop on the sofa, by the huge fireplace.
They are odd together,
taking funny photographs, sharing endless memories.
He’s amusing. She’s bubbly. They are a team.

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