Hairs | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By puckislife123 GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
puckislife123 GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is your idea of a fun day? To my brother and my mother, they would choose everyday as a Sunday morning. They would sleep soundly until noon, slowly get up and make their way downstairs. My mother would brew a cup of morning blend, and turn on the morning talk show. My brother would lay down with his laptop or lock himself away for the day with his video games. He could spend a whole weekend playing video games without getting bored. You ask them if they want to go out to breakfast or dinner? The most common answer is no. Movie night is always in the house.
My dad is somewhat the same. He is restless, rolling out of bed around six every morning, and occasionally running around the winding trails surrounding the neighborhood. He would choose to stay in, rather than go out. His perfect day is peaceful like a still lake. To canoe out into the middle of the lake, cast the fishing lure and stare at the ripples in the water. The sound of the loons in the background adds to a morning that cannot be beat. Nature is his calling, and would drop everything to buy a cabin in the woods and on the lake.
I on the other hand, am always up for the adventure. Like a racing roller coaster, I am awake and ambitious. The phone rings, road trip perhaps? Never count me out. Rolling the windows down, the wind blows through my hair. City lights and starry nights are sights that will never leave my eyes. I dance in the rain, rather than hear it patter on against the house while I sit in my room. It is the spontaneous moments that must be taken advantage of in order to live life to the fullest

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