How to Have a Successful First Date | Teen Ink

How to Have a Successful First Date

May 26, 2016
By PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A beaker full of flowers -
A dab of gleamy smiles -
A flurry of compliments -
1 droplet of cologne -
A heap of conversing questions -
A trough of cheesy puns and jokes -
1 dollop of a kiss (optional) -
A harvest of kindness and respect -
A sprinkle of laughter and giggles -
1 vial of confidence -

Start by asking your said crush out for a date, (ex. movies, dinner, lunch, bowling, etc…)
Prepare a beaker full of flowers for her as a gift, (roses, dandelions, tulips; surprise her!)
Bring 1 vial of confidence if anxiety increases, (Don’t worry everyone gets nervous, even your date)
Put on 1 droplet of cologne, (show appreciation for how you present yourself, look good and smell good too)
Provide a dab of gleamy smiles, (everyone smiles when you smile, don’t be afraid to show your teeth)
Ensure you mixed in a trough of cheesy puns and jokes, (everyone loves silly puns!)
Throw in a sprinkle of laughter and giggles, (puns and jokes mix very with laughter and giggles)
Have a flurry of compliments for them, (everyone enjoys appreciation from others)
Prepare a heaping full of conversing questions, (get to know your date, their interests, desires, aspirations, etc. It’ll show that you care about what they enjoy)
And most important of all, always, always have a harvest of kindness and respect, (treat your date as you would want them to treat you!)
As an optional step, have 1 dollop of a kiss ready in case if the time is right, (you can never be too sure)
Now finally, go pick up your date and have fun! (But remember, try not to stay out too late)

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