Two Loving Siblings | Teen Ink

Two Loving Siblings

May 26, 2016
By Dipsey SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Dipsey SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to ride them."

They are the ones who truly get me. I am the only one who assembles the final piece to their puzzle. Two loving siblings with personalities unique and genuine to only them. Two within a small dysfunctional family. Two devoted siblings always there to listen. Wherever they are I can feel their appreciation, but no one else can relate to our bonds.
Our relationship is eternal. We bicker out of love, because what good sibling relationship doesn't have arguing? We adapt to each other’s always changing lifestyle like it is our duty to support one another, almost like a destiny. This is how we strengthen our bonds, this is how we inspire to be better everyday.
If one is to be down on a rainy day, we approach with strong shoulders, ready to help as if they were our patient. Bonds, bonds, bonds we keep as everyday passes. We adapt.
When I am in a state of which I need help, it is them that I look for assistance. When all hope is lost, I know I can look for them. Two that adapt despite judgment. Two who will not forget me. Two who will always be my family.

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