How did this happen? How could it be? | Teen Ink

How did this happen? How could it be?

May 26, 2016
By LHenzlik GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
LHenzlik GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How can this be?
Last night I went skydiving
(and nearly died of a heart attack!).
I caught the foul ball
(and almost broke my nose).
I scarfed three s'mores
-- with extra chocolate of course--
and drank two glasses of green tea,
then slept, snugly, sweetly.

But, this morning,
My face, full of wrinkles.
My hair, now fully white, turned coarse.
And the dentures on the counter
are for ME.
And the life alert around my neck
has MY name on it.
How did this happen?
How can this be?

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