A Watchful Eye | Teen Ink

A Watchful Eye

May 26, 2016
By Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I struggle to pull my homework from my bag,
As I begin, my phone produces a buzz.
I look at the text, but he looks at me.....
Glaring those little eyes and shaking those whiskers.

His sly head sneaks out from the hole,
He thinks I can't see his glare, but he's wrong.
He catches my eye, and gives me a strong look,
Disappointed, frustrated.

I drop my phone,
Agreeing that it's time to work.
When I turn to surrender, he snuck out--

Pitter patter fills my ears,
I turn left, right, upside.....
No spy in sight.
I take my seat.

Five minutes pass,
I take one last peek.
The stealthy spy has returned,
His mission complete.

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