Stage Crew | Teen Ink

Stage Crew

May 26, 2016
By Andrew_HD GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Andrew_HD GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Not everyone has the will to persevere, some clinging to a task like a tree growing off the side of a mountain. While others give up and drop out, like an apple dropping to the ground. Stage Crew consists of those mountainside trees, hanging until the end. Those apples, the ones who do not last come in great numbers. Usually rotted away by the end of first semester; they do not last. Very few make it far, with the stamina of a bull they make it through.
Every year it is the same; like flocks of geese they come and go, migrating from one place to another. Only there for the season. Those who step up are praised, rewarded for their hard work with the success of the show. Those who drop out are lost in the noise of the rest of the high school.
Those who persevere come to know and love the the large amounts of dust, dirt and darkness where they work. The curtains that seem to draw people in like a freshly baked pie, their endless darkness soon consumes you. The hard stage, suddenly becoming soft as you begin to nap, the lights dimming. Darkness consumes the space, with you in it and all is done.

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