7 Streching Lilies | Teen Ink

7 Streching Lilies

May 26, 2016
By Paintedlady19 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
Paintedlady19 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the ones who need attention .  I am the one who gives them attention. Seven stretching lilies with thick hair and standing tall different from I.Seven who do not fit in but fit together.Seven fillers placed to hide away the open space. From our porch, we listen to their song,  but Christen just ignores and doesn't believe in their voice.

Their wisdom is rooted. They stand fierce to the sky above.They live bright and they dull down and holding the soil between the rivers of root and floating in the sea above and always keeps a quiet tongue. This is how they stay
Let one release her wrath, they’d all topple like a fallen building, each secured by the other.Stay, stay, stay they say when i cry. They hurt.

When i am to withered and distressed to stay staying, when i am a wilted stock stood next to sturdy glass, then it is i stand with the lilies.When there is nothing to look for in this dirt patch. Seven who supported without any support. Seven who love and do not stop loving. Seven who stay together and forever together

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