3 Relentless Brothers | Teen Ink

3 Relentless Brothers

May 26, 2016
By thekid24 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
thekid24 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are the only ones who understand each other. Nobody knows what we do. Three relentless brothers with dreams and goals, chasing greatness. Three who were given nothing, and earned everything. Three small town kids making a name for our families. From our midwest roots, we are often overlooked, but the others have no idea what will hit them. We are relentless.
Our work ethic is no secret. We aren’t afraid of working to the bone. We’ve grown up and they’ve grown down and become satisfied while we continue to work, chasing greatness. We are relentless.
Let one of us fall, the other two are there to pick him back up. You won’t, you can’t; negatives thrown at us often. We do not buy into the hype, we embrace it, chasing greatness. We are relentless.
When we are too tired and too sore to keep keeping, we are a part of large percent trying to make the dreams of a tiny percent come true, we always work. Three who work despite the odds. We are chasing greatness. We are three relentless brothers.

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