Fear Himself | Teen Ink

Fear Himself

May 26, 2016
By dickinsonpoet425 GOLD, Burbank, California
dickinsonpoet425 GOLD, Burbank, California
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is my letter to the world,

That never wrote to me,--
The simple news that Nature told,

With tender majesty."

He creeps among the weak
and feasts upon their dreams
He controls their puppet strings 
'till they complete his scheme

A scheme of horror,
blood and gore
to drain one's hope
'till there's nothing more

He comes at night
with the bloodmoon's rise
'till his scheme is fulfilled
with an innocent's demise

He retreats to the dark
with a smirk and a leer
He is hope's killer
also known as fear

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