A New Surveillance | Teen Ink

A New Surveillance

May 27, 2016
By hheathrr SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
hheathrr SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

our love - an infectious disease.
he owns or controls many aspects of daily life.
constructing extensive efforts to enforce me -
but never encourage me.

our love - an infectious disease.
a new level of surveillance.
he has measures in place, to the greatest extent possible -
to monitor and sensor my every thought and action.

our love - an infectious disease.
not much love, but many restrictions.
in ways that aren’t completely clear - 
he is serious about policing my behaviors.

our love - an infectious disease.
his measures in place, are undisclosed.
this is nothing like true love -
yet it’s difficult to imagine a life, without my virus.

The author's comments:

I took an article from the Wall Street Journal and twisted it completely, I used only the word from that article to create a love poem, but this is not just any ordinary love poem. 

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