One Beautiful Lake | Teen Ink

One Beautiful Lake

May 27, 2016
By ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the one that brings me peace. I am the only one who can bear their storms. One beautiful lake with beautiful shores and cooling waters that refresh a weary soul. One whose purpose is to keep me afloat.  One generous home created by God.  From the dock, I can hear it babble, but I just rest and be thankful for the things I have.

Its forces are unknown. It creates waves beneath the surface. They flow deeper than the earth and they flow just at arm's length and brush the shore with its fresh hands and reflect the world with a mirror and never forget its history. This is why it is deep.

If I forgets my reason for happiness, it would remain still and peaceful like the world before the sunrise, there to remind you of your bright future and worth. Deep, deep, and deeper still, it tells me when I am sad. It loves.

When my world is too choppy, and too stormy to stay afloat, when I am a tiny boat against monstrous waves, then I swim in my lake. When there is no place of my own to swim. One whose love is deeper than the depths of itself. One who ebbs and always flows back. One whose only reason is to give comfort and peace, comfort and peace.

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