The New and the Old Breath | Teen Ink

The New and the Old Breath

May 27, 2016
By 7mielke GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7mielke GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“How does one find themselves in this world?” a child inquired.
An old man replied, “As time grows, you grow with it.”
The child’s nose crinkled as his brows began to dance,
closing his eyes.
He spoke, “I cannot find time for prosperity.”
The old man demanded, “The world waits for no one, it will not stop for me or you.”
The old man grew tired.
His eyes droopy,
his mouth struggling to form words.
The old man sighed,
“I must go, but listen to me when I say, wisdom comes from living.”
The child’s eyes opened
as the old man’s closed.
“Rest easy, for I am the new light,” the child spoke.
He kissed the old man’s forehead
and sat beside him holding his hand.
New. First. Old. Last.
A breath--
the entrance and exit
of life.

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