Two Droopy Eyes | Teen Ink

Two Droopy Eyes

May 27, 2016
By 7mielke GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7mielke GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the ones who tell her story. She is the only one who listens to them. Two droopy eyes with heavy bags and dry tears stained beneath. Two who never used to look this way. Two sleepless nights repeated yet another time. From afar, no one can see them, but she knows they’re always there.

Their weakness is hidden. They create fierce cries beneath their surface. They run up and they trickle down and latch tears onto her cheeks between their long lashes and thick lids and shut off their whimper with immense power and never show their pain. This is how they weep.

Let one forget his reason for being, the other would run like a child afraid of his own shadow, searching for comfort in the darkness. Sleep, sleep, sleep they hum as she drifts. They rest.

When she is in pain and too busy to keep sleeping, when she is drowning in a sea against the odds, it is then she looks at her eyes. When there is nothing left to believe but a beautiful start. Two who grew despite a broken heart. Two who whine and do not forget to shine. Two whose only reason is to comfort her.

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