My List | Teen Ink

My List

June 1, 2016
By Anonymous

Full of things I’ll never watch

Nightcrawler, 2 months
Clerks, 3 months
Lost, forever

8  movies
12 shows
60 seasons
And more to come
My list, my list, my list

There’s never enough time
4 days
8 weeks
2000 hours
Not enough

My laptop opens
Eyes lit and fingers scrowling
What will it be today?

I can’t decide
Zombies, Vampires, or circus freaks?
My list, my list, my list

One click, summary
Two clicks, it begins
A story about a boy whose best friend is his mother
Inseparable, insanity, and incest


The screen keeps moving
Up, then down
Then repeated again
I can’t decide
My list, my list, my list

One click, summary
Two clicks, it begins
A story about a teacher gone bad
Meth, money, and madness

Identity Disorder


The thought hits hard
Looking down I notice the phone
Screen Lit

Don’t forget to do you’re homework


One click, summary
Two clicks, it begins
A story about a world full of zombies
Amazing, Abandoned, and addicting


Next day, repeat
The never ending cycle
Basic American teen

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