I Never Should Have Let You In | Teen Ink

I Never Should Have Let You In

June 6, 2016
By Aburli BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Aburli BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.

I listen to the rhythm of the birds beautiful songs,

I try to imagine how my heart can go on.

My heart has quickly broken into two,

and guess what? It's not because of me. It's because of you.

Your true colors have shown through your bright red hair,

and your lies remain so I pushed them on you for a scare.

But really in the end, who's the winner?

Not me because I'm the forgiver.

"To forgive and forget" that's what I always say,

but maybe, just maybe, today is not that day.

Maybe today is the day I just let go,

We both move on because I finally learned to say no.

The author's comments:

Letting someone in and letting them go are two of the most difficult things you'll ever experience.

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