One, Two, Three. | Teen Ink

One, Two, Three.

June 12, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

One, two, three.
People are standing on them.
First, second and third.
People are called.

People who almost made third say:
“God**** it! I was almost there! God**** one point! I could have been up on that
People who almost made second say:
“People only remember first and second, but that’s it.”
People who almost made first say:
“First is what’s remembered in history. That’s all.”
People who made first say:
“Well, that’s it. I tried days and nights, and I just became a number.”

One, two and three.
Gold, silver and bronze medal.
One, two and three.
First, second and third

We are not sea gulls who fly beyond the borders, but we are just faced by walls.
Four walls shroud us like clouds above sea gulls.

One, two, and three.
Stop counting.
Look up, there is a ceiling.
A sky is a ceiling.

Remember, that we can fly high.

One, two, and three.
Stop counting.
Look up, where it is boundless.
A sky is our stage.

The author's comments:

Should we really define ourselves by numbers? 

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